Running Acorn software in simulation | beta testers wanted

Hello everyone!

I have been developing a simulation mode that can be run on a normal PC. Instructions for Linux (PR’s for other OSes welcome) are in our git repo. You just need to install docker and docker-compose (instructions provided) and then run a simple command to build the docker container and launch it all.

What’s fun is that navigation works. You can load GPS tracks from the provided database and the vehicle will navigate along them. I’m working on a bunch of new features for the navigation system and it has been very helpful to debug everything at a desk in sim instead of with a cranky robot outside!

I don’t have a full write up on using the nav system but see the end of this post for some notes.

What’s on GitHub now are complete instructions for getting the environment up and running, logging in to different processes to see the terminal output, and opening the user web page.

I would very much like for people to begin testing this more broadly. Give it a whirl and report here how it goes. Your input is very much appreciated.

Nav notes: on the robot web page use the drop down in the top bar to select a GPS track. Then on the right side click “load path”. The simulated robot should snap to it and load the path indicated in green. Then click “clear autonomy hold” if needed and then the green “enable autonomy” button.


Love this project and all TwistedFields does! The simulation works smoothly on my MacBook Pro via Docker Desktop, so probably will work anywhere with proper Docker setup. So far the only nit: there seems no longer the --debug option in

I’m a veteran developer with ever growing interest in permaculture, ecological farming etc since 5 years ago. I’d love to participate more, even some development work. In the meanwhile, I’ll play with the code on my spare time. Fascinating!


Hey that is a great report, thank you and welcome to the community!

I just checked and the option should be there. It’s possible I hadn’t pushed the change when you pulled, but I see the option in the source on github now:

Maybe try a git pull and see if debug option works? Thanks!

Oops sorry yeah I remember now - I pulled the code a few days ago without having a chance to play with them until yesterday!

Hah well that was my bad for not pushing the latest when I wrote the instructions! I was finalizing some big changes and got them committed Wednesday. Glad it works for you!