Are you in the woofer program?

Are you by any chance a wwoofer?

“Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) is a worldwide movement to link visitors with organic farmers,”

I ask because …

I am an aspiring roboticist as you can see from my linkedin profile. ( juan Suero Robotics )

I built a microgreens hydroponic garden in my garage powered by the open source system mycodo with atlas scientific components. When I needed my nutrient probe to cover more than one resevoir i found some plans for a 6DOF arm and put it on a belt driven linear actuator to serve multiple resevoirs. Lot of things i just cobbled together I didnt really know what i was doing.

I ask about woofer because
my wife and I are looking to work on a farm for a couple of summers before we buy our own plot of land. Shes been studying permaculture and things on our little backyard plot on long island but shes outgrown the space.

If you allowed my wife to work on your farm for free in the spirit of the woofer program I could help you run your robotic experiments maybe after learning a little to get to your level. Shes into food forest as opposed to row crop.

Im into trying to figure out how to automated a vertical microgreens hydroponic garden. everything from environment to cultivation and packaging for delivery. I know its alot but you have to start somewhere.

you can email me at if you like.

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Hello Juan and welcome!

I don’t believe we’re currently in the woofer program but this is a great idea! We’re still finalizing a stable version of our hardware and working on replacing our old prototype with multiple newer, more robust units. I believe by next summer we’d be set up to take in some volunteers to work with the machines! I’m sorry we weren’t able to do something this summer, but would next spring or summer work for you? I will also connect over email!


Hi @juansuerorobotics ,

I’m a permaculture designer also setting up my land in early stages yet in Australia. Having studied Permaculture with Geoff Lawton. I highly recommend the course

A food forest is part of a permaculture design system and does not exclude row crops, or intercropping between swales, or optimally done in tree protected areas. Retaining forestry uphill at your peaks or steep inclines is crucial as it supplies the advanced fertility/nutrient and detritus matter for an ecosystem to naturall function. So yes a Food Forest has a lot of focus, but isn’t the only/prime component.

I’m quite interested in Aquaculture driven automations you similarly mentioned for hydroponics. I’m not a fan of hydroponics as it doesn’t have the nutrient yields of living soil based systems in my opinion. But here’s a hydroponic automation system which seemed quite effective.


Dear Taylor,
I am a 28yo PhD candidate in Machine learning from Italy, I will defend my thesis in June.
I am not a robotician nor a farmer but I am really passionate about nature and I am approaching farming and robotics.
I am really interested in Volunteering at Twistedfields for the Acorn projects.

During Summer 2023 will be the possibility to become a Acorn Volunteer?
